About Us

Our Vision
An unwavering culture of emotional health.
Our Mission
By convening, connecting, and collaborating, Walden Wise brings together a community of caring adults dedicated to improving the lives of kids by attending to their emotional health.
Our Theory of Change
If we use research to inform how we shape the experience of childhood, then we will propel a culture of emotional health.
Our Core Values
We view childhood as a time for nourishing possibility and living fully, and we commit to creating a better experience of childhood for all children.
We believe in the miraculous potential of research, and we work to democratize access to the results.
We appreciate that adults have a special and significant responsibility to shape the experience of childhood, and we cultivate a community of shared purpose.
We embrace the worth and dignity of every human being, and we make empathy a vital ingredient in all we do.
Emotional Health is an active process that involves identifying emotions and shaping how we think about and act upon them. Emotional health does not mean feeling good all the time, but rather having the individual skills and community supports to manage challenges, thus enabling a life full of security, stability and purpose.